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© Jordi Santacana

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Turisme la Sénia

La Sénia is one of the southernmost towns of Catalonia located in the Montsià region, in the Tarragona province. The 108 km2 of the municipality limits geographically with the Valencian Community and Aragon, and enjoys an unbeatable road network that favours the practice of sports such as hiking, running and cycling (five radial roads that reach the town, various forest tracks throughout the mountainous area and a few kilometres from the AP7 motorway and the N340 national road, important Spain roads that cross the Mediterranean coast from north to south)

Broadly speaking, we can consider that La Sénia is a town that enjoys a privileged location offering various options to its visitors: it is a few kilometres from the Mediterranean beaches, it is part of a territory with great historical and cultural value, and it is the door of two natural parks (els Ports and la Tinença de Benifassà), massifs that are presented as unusual natural spaces, full of wildlife, characterized by the great variety of wildlife that lives and a wealth wonderful botany.

Visita la Sénia

Recommended accommodation:

Corta distancia


Pujada a Pallerols
12,8 km, 500+, max. height 818 m.

Volta al Portell de l’Infern
12 Km, 500+, max. height 980 m.

Volta a l’embassament d’Ulldecona
4,1 km, 88+, max. height 468 m.

Media distancia


Volta a la Tenalla
18,89 km, 1100+, max. height 1160 m.

Arbres monumentals
21 km, 1200+, max. height 1241 m.

Volta a les mines de ferrro
19,89 km, 1155+, max. height 974 m.

Volta al Mas del Peraire
24,83 km, 1662+, max. height 1279 m.

Larga distancia


Half 7 pobles
40 km, 1600+, max. height 1257 m.

Volta al Negrell
30 km, 2000+, max. height 1345 m.

Marató Fageda
43,5 km, 2050+, max. height 1241 m.



Casetes Velles i Barranc La Fou
54,3 km, 1276+, max. height 1268 m.

Mola de Xert – Mas de Prades – Els Estrets
76 km, 2230+, max. height 1260 m.

La Sénia – Coratxà – Morella
86 km, 2364+, max. height 1265 m.

Morella – Vallibona – La Sénia
53,8 km, 1223+, max. height 1174 m.

Racó dels Fatjos – Camí del Róssec – Pallerols
47,5 km, 1496+, max. height 1295 m.



La Ràpita – Poblenou – Delta de l’Ebre
110 km, 511+, max. height 360 m.

Mont Caro
116 km, 1867+, max. height 1421 m.

Morella – Torremiró – Fredes
155 km, 2808+, max. height 1232 m.

Sant Mateu – La Bandereta – La Valltorta
151 km, 1482+, max. height 771 m.

Volta a la Terra Alta
152 Km, 1482+, max. height 465 m.